Created in the likeness of creation
The sculptor and Creator of the nation
Whom formed us together from sand
When he said let us make man
Breathed into man the breath of life
Then from his ribs he made him a wife
Gave him authority and dominion over everything he place upon the land
Fowls of the air and fishes
And gave us the herbs and other dishes
There was nothing more a man could ask for
And if he did, he would not have to ask far
With the sweet communion of a friend
Man still fell short in the end
From a slothful deceit of the old dragon
Playing in the garden like a Leviathan
Through vain words it deceived.......the woman that Adam called Eve
Still from Adam to Abram things remained the same
Even though God changed his fate and his name
He made him the heir of several lands
And promised to bless him with his chosen generation
But still curse was the consequence through many toils and sneers
That affected them then, us now and even here.