Over in the western hemisphere lies a body of water more commonly called The Caribbean Sea, not listed as one of the seven seas of the world however it carries ocean-like feature that could have made it the eight. Other than the obvious fact that it is named differently, seeing that the others are referred to as 'OCEANS', the people of the islands it surrounds behave different this in no ordinary way. Their history differs as one would expect such as culture and ethics but it's their lavish lifestyles that pull the much interest.

United States of America and Canada, two western world giants defy the odds of the 'wild wild west' that the West Indies possess. Though being great in size and accounting for a lot of the great influences in the west, for example clothing, they are found 'not-guilty' or rather irreproachable of these traits that I am about to make reference to.
Dead Yard
If you have ever known someone that have passed away in the Caribbean and given that 'traditional' send-off then you might have an idea of what I am about to get into. Kept for a minimum of one week, the 'dead yard' which should translate into what Americans call their Memorial or Wake; where testimonies would be made about the life of the pass one and also comforting the deceased family is something else. A traditional dead yard is more like a series of entertainment which starts out on the lower end of the scale of support then simultaneously builds up to the grand finale known as the 'Nine Night'. Maybe it is that people from this part of the world find entertainment a more effective way to deal with grief as it is aimed at celebrating the life of the deceased rather than mourning: a gesture which has to be respected because of course not everybody deals with similar situations the same.
However with the growing cost of goods and services and the constant sliding of the dollars one would be advised to give caution to unnecessary expenditures. Saying this to point out the lavishness of the spending that is usually associated with such a grand event. Certainly it depends on the popularity of the deceased and the deceased family, but still most times spending goes overboard. I can recall three lavish ceremonies participated in throughout my lifetime, these being for my grandma, grandpa and uncle over the past ten years. In the true spirit of tradition, approximately a million dollar was spent just for 'dead yard' entertainments.
My point must be brought about with clarity so note well; personally I am not against the whole nature of entertainment, neither am I opposing the celebration of a passed life but the thing that my opinion runs perpendicular to is the lavishness of the celebration for someone who is no longer a part of the present world. I am so much against this to the point I have laid a foundation in the case of my untimely death. Knowing that if I should die my parents would be majorly responsible for my expenses I have proposed earnestly to them to rid my remains as quickly and as inexpensively as possible.
Put into perspective someone who has succumbed to hunger or one whom died indirectly to neglect receiving an elaborate send off. How could the blind not possibly see that such an act is of cruelty and inconsideration. Where have the finances magically appeared from at an instance when the one whom needed it most no longer needs it or is incapable of indulgence. One famously practice tradition of West Indians is the harvesting of funds from relatives abroad whenever such like situation is in occurrence. Noting that this is mostly at the point when that someone has already been deceased. Seeing that it is unable to revive the life already lost, what logical purpose does this funding serve; to indulge in a rich display that the celebrated life did not get the opportunity to experience, or is it a payoff for ridding the life of a DEAR friend, an uncle, a grandmother, a daughter, a sibling....? If not, then that is what it appears to be and most people with the common intellect. Honestly, honesty must be submitted on the behalf of them that mean for no harm to be imparted on their loved ones but rather to 'keep up with the the Jones' and to save faces than to celebrate life more humbly.
Completely have the real and unforgettable reason for the season been omitted, no longer are people quoting Christmas rather, Xmas is the new terminology. Celebrated in December, the grand event is no longer a single day celebration but a series of events that seem to last the entire month. Initially, Christmas is the day calculated by historians as the birthday of Christ Jesus. Though a religious holiday, and celebrated by choice, the world, particularly the West Indies have fallen for an illusive meaning of Christmas. What should have meant celebrating the humble birth and life of a Saviour is translated into elaborate spending and lust of desirable fancy, new ornaments. And though many gifts are made and issued out, sincerity is no more in the true spirit of the season. In the Caribbean, specifically Jamaica, Christmas Eve more commonly known as Grand Market is as the name suggests beyond what can be explained. It’s beyond a ritual but now like a cult especially for the young ones who make their way at night in to the streets even to acquire toys or such like things, and some just for profiling.
The issue with Christmas has openly dampened the true spirits, and thus most, if not everyone feel less and less cheerful in the season of cheer.
My recommendations are most sincere in revealing my unprecedented observations.
Spend Less = Save More = Less Debt
If, spending less yields Less Debt then, consequently 'Spend Less' reflects a more comfortable standard of living not for just a few but for a majority of any population in which it is implemented. With more consideration implemented into spending and concentration into sincerity and love the West Indies is bound to find itself into a more stable social stratification.
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