Well compulsion could be as a result of a compulsory event. You did this simply because that happened, situations beyond your potential control, "situation alters cases". Many could perhaps relate to this kind of occurrence owing to the fact that our society today makes it possible for the impossible to happen or in other words, it becomes impossible for some things to become possible. Sending predictability potentials down tremendously and leaving us with little or no chance to give assurance to future planning. Thus it is evidently expected that spontaneity will be the driving force in our society.
A volunteer as defined by 'a book' is someone who offers out goods or services according to the leading of his own mind, or without compulsion. Voluntary on the other hand is the act of being a volunteer; to do something willingly, and not because you are forced to do it. In an instance more critical, a destitute woman becomes the mother of an innocent toddler. Instantly from birth the avenue of life has already been elected for this child, a volunteer to whom poverty was given because there were no options to choose from.

Voluntary? I don't think so.
From 'another book' voluntary has been defined with words like non-compulsory, unforced and discretionary. As prior mentioned, one can be a volunteer from activities that happened beyond their range of control with them becoming subjected to dissented reactions as a result. Dissent being unconscious, thus being involuntary. One may even try to argue how can one's reaction be unconscious saying it is whatever the mind is fed with comes out, a point that is somewhat unarguable. But isn't an action done unaware when done in the subconscious state of the mind?! One example of such state is when asleep. Several things are done and even said in such a state that trigger one's doubt and disbelief even after given proof.
Therefore without doubt and consultation my theoretical observation is now understood, agreed upon and justified. Involuntary acts can be as a result of voluntary as well as non-volunteered participations.
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