Friday, March 8, 2013

Women (International Women's Day) March 8th

Let's March against the hatred 
But for the love of the mothers of the earth
From whence all the generations of the world are birth

With love on the 8th
For men, the part of us we just can't live without
And as much as some may disagree
Many can still relate
To the WOW part of men 

Internationally recognized worldwide 
Stamped, sealed and authorized 
To be sole bearers of children
And of men that lack the functions 
Of a rib or maybe a bar or grill

So defined yet unpredictable 
Their countenance can be like raging fire yet as something peaceable 
They are to be celebrated for their unlikely uniqueness 
And the spell they cast upon the men for obsessiveness 
The day we specialize as 
The day we put aside to realize what women have put aside for us.

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