What does it mean to live?
Oddlink is a free writer. He writes mostly from personal experiences but is also able to take reader into a world of imaginative thinking. Motivated by his experiences, OddLink is inspired to write whatever his perspective holds. A very intriguing character (OddLink) that draws your attention by means of his 'handy' work.
Sunday, October 9, 2016
The Cycle of Life (A Dominic James tribute)
What does it mean to live?
Tuesday, September 27, 2016
The Fault Within Your Stars (Your imperfections that make perfect sense to me)
Friday, September 23, 2016
Death in the Garden of Life (A tribute dedicated to Dominic James)
Saturday, September 10, 2016
My Sunshine
This and every morning that you rise
Then at nights when I need your light most you refuse to shine
But by daylight you are still my Sunshine
You are the light that gives me direction
That paves my way in high perfection
My ball of fire that sets my heart on fire
It is you whom I depend on to start my day in great array
You are the only one I look up to besides God
And it's no surprise that you are seated beside God
No family nor friends could defy the odds that even though it may rain at times
You are always my Sunshine
Time after time
Again and again
My Sunshine proves to be my very best friend
Hello September

But they whither and Fall from the trees
And for all I can see
The next few weeks will be a test for me
For anything that sprang up in the Summer must Fall through in the heart of September
But September, please remember to take your time
Enjoy your stay
For you have only thirty steps to take
So while you take them,
Take a step per day
Tuesday, July 12, 2016
The hashtag matters more than the lives it highlights
But the fact that black lives matter
Shouldn't be the real matter at times
Because black hardly matters to black lives
Because a white lie won't save us
But if they seek for someone to blame
A black life will always matter to be blackmailed
But to be fair not all equity is shared
If you should flip the script and be an outcast
You'll see how fast you are classed as the black sheep
Never a white lamb...nor the black man with white deeds
Pray to God it's not black
For it is a fact
That men who get blacklisted never get back
Because even though we are mere men in black and black suits our skin
To them we are black-hearted men with a black box within
Wednesday, May 4, 2016
The Things I Think
What I never get sometimes is what gets to me
The struggles of handling the truth is what sets me free
And I am at peace with the world
Even after how the world treats me
I can't seem to avoid getting angry
Though the anger never stays
So I try not to do anything permanently damaging in my temporary state
The other thing my mind won't process
Is why people don't accept progress
They seem to all want it done in their time
So it's now or never or in the next life
I have been advised
To take someone's foolish advice
To never put my all in someone
If the someone doesn't have my heart in mind.
As soon as you get close to someone
Everyone keeps pushing you away
Then when they ask why you're single
If not a single person walks your way
It's crazy and fascinating for me
How hard you'll try to be seen
But as soon as you're off the scene
You start appearing up on everybody's screen
They take your compliments for granted
And your kindness for greed
But when you wise up and rise up the standards
Everyone start losing sleep
I think there are somethings I just won't understand
No matter how I put my mind to it
So I break it down and sum it up
Write my name then sign to it: OddLink.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
For you
Because as for me I don't shake at all
This proves to me that love never falls
I try to see beyond your faults and I see beneath mine
Because there is a line that underlines how perfectly we are inline
And I understand if this doesn't all make sense yet
But I bet it will when we speak of it in the past tense
Whenever I love it's always beyond the legal limits
Always beyond the point of any returns
And if it turns out to be a good one in return
Goodness will lasts for a long term
You should know this; love makes no mistake
It never takes a wrong turn
So if you ever get concerned
Let me make it alright with all the wrong terms
Or that I may cheat
But remember, this was not always how you made me feel
You see, life is funny if you ever need entertaining
So I complied with all my problems before I started complaining
Have you realized that though I am forgetful I have never failed to recognize
The unforgettable things you have said about my eyes
And it made perfect sense
Because perfect vision isn't perfect when wearing contact lens
A perfectly shaped heart was formed from an imperfectly shaped two.
Thursday, January 28, 2016
The Things Someone Said That Got Me Thinking
Someone say you don't care
But I fail to believe it
They also say that you're here just for your convenience
Conveniently that's how I kinda feel
But I am trying to hide my feelings underneath my heel...
Until I'm healed
Because I am sick, sick of how easily I trip and fall for it.
You have shown me no incline
Nor any indication that I am even next in line
Yet I remain close up
Close enough to fall again and get my hopes up
It is compromising, to display an act of selflessness
Where I look my best at all times and still feel like a mess
But you deserve a crown
If you would have me seated here waiting like a clown
I am gone...Then I am back
Every time I tried to go I get more attached
But to what?
To your soft hair or maybe just the air that you breathe
But whatever I am attracted to it keeps me on the wheel
I keep feeding from your presence whenever you get hungry
But I hope you never stay away too long for me to get thirsty
And I pray this is no game
Because all the games played with me the results are the same
No matter how you come out on top, no matter how much you win
You still become a loser over in the end.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
A Broken Art
I have something that he might find to be intriguing
And it might not seem like much at first sight
But I promise you it will start showing up at nights
It will all start coming together if you should stare
What you may see is the final production
The proofread and edited version
Of this ever blooming sunflower seed
It is likened unto a clip in the 80's
With all the cast members of 'Million Dollar Baby'
It's a work of heart, not a painting
But is inspired to work whenever it's raining
With every pit and patting on the window panes
There is blood that rushes through the veins..
It carries the beat of his songs you'll forever miss
The moves are i'nsync'ed
And so you'd miss the whole show if you should blink
It's carved like the statue of David
So maybe it is something Michaelangelo could play with
But at least broken crayons still colour