Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The Things I Think

What I never get sometimes is what gets to me
The struggles of handling the truth is what sets me free
And I am at peace with the world
Even after how the world  treats me

I can't seem to avoid getting angry
Though the anger never stays
So I try not to do anything permanently damaging in my temporary state

The other thing my mind won't process
Is why people don't accept progress
They seem to all want it done in their time
So it's now or never or in the next life

I have been advised
To take someone's foolish advice
To never put my all in someone
If the someone doesn't have my heart in mind.

As soon as you get close to someone
Everyone keeps pushing you away
Then when they ask why you're single
If not a single person walks your way

It's crazy and fascinating for me
How hard you'll try to be seen
But as soon as you're off the scene
You start appearing up on everybody's screen

They take your compliments for granted
And your kindness for greed
But when you wise up and rise up the standards
Everyone start losing sleep

I think there are somethings I just won't understand
No matter how I put my mind to it
So I break it down and sum it up
Write my name then sign to it: OddLink.