Missed Universe- The People's Choice

Kaci Fennell- Miss Jamaica Universe

It is now evident perhaps even the blind can see this that what happened on Sunday, January 25, 2015 was a clear disregarding of people's opinion. How could a title (Miss Universe) be determined by a panel of ten judges when the larger picture is more than willing and able of consenting. I understand that in the end it is all about business and every business person's goal is to see their establishment thrive with the best of everything but still without reasonable doubt we believe that the franchise of Miss Universe fell well short in fact they fell afar off from what was an ideal choice for the face of the franchise. They made it clear what their eyes were on but not who, they expressed interest in beauty but not just, they also made is clear they desired brains as well and who am I to override or even condemn the decision of ten capable adults to say that Miss Jamaica was the better pick. It is clear that if it wasn't a mistake then they misguided the universe about their motives. As was written in a Facebook post dated Monday, January 26, 2015 I made it extremely clear that I was disappointed in the decision but by no means surprised. It was somewhere afloat in the back of my mind that Jamaica was going to win this crown and take it home but I was also very knowledgeable of how inferior Jamaica was seen on a wider scale due to it's third-world statistics and as such would be denied the glory we truly deserved. I want to make something absolutely clear about what happened on that night, it was no sole doing. Kaci Fennell did not single 'handedly' take on the other 87 nations to be the highly favoured but rather it was and still is an ongoing dominace that Jamaicans all over the globe have managed to acquire.
#TeamJamaica is one of countless memberships and whenever there is a need Jamaicans instinctively start representing by rallying around the individual or the individual team. Consisting of Jamaican locals, Jamaicans of the diaspora and adopted Jamaicans, #TeamJamaica grows supremely in strength of support whenever duty calls and it is no wonder the population is so enormous, the energy that #TeamJamaica emits is infectious and thus spreads rapidly that even if your not a fan of the unspecified event you will feel compelled to take up your role in supporting, and that my friend is something unheard of. I can only imagine the thrill it gives to be backed by a team of such unprecedented patriotism because It is being among the patriots that I opened my understanding to the effervescent love. But what makes this even more special to me is when I review the map of the world, trying to see Jamaica and the contents of its statue is always a struggle even for someone with a 20/20 vision. But on the contrast it is never half as difficult to notice us, that is the people of Jamaica. We stand so tall and loud it is almost a sin to not recognize who we are and what we represent, yes we represent that 'spot of green in the midst of the Caribbean sea'. The one that is so hard to pinpoint on the map but easy to see at the top. And this is why we ought not to be surprised if we are picked against or trampled upon, that is somewhat what they did to Jesus even though his title said Anointed One. And I am not saying that what happened on Sunday night was a direct result of being picked against because we are who we are but think about saving this information for future references to the past.

Jamaica is blessed and so are Jamaicans, take for example the Israelite nation back in the time of Moses when God chose them to be the salt of the earth, we are too. Despite the struggle we currently face, we have come a far way and there is still further to go seeing that we have not yet crossed our Red Sea. Keep in mind that when God stands beside you, you will be faced with great opposition from the enemy but no weapon that form against God chosen has ever prospered and ever will.

To: Kaci Fennell, I was always a proud Jamaican but you have held my head up a notch higher and as a citizen of this blessed nation I believe it is my duty to thank you for your service and to also assure you that you have done me along with the other Jamaicans I am allowed to represent proud.

And to my fellow Jamaicans and #TeamJamaica patrons I will like to emphasize and implore you all to be mindful of your responsibilities as citizens and patriots. We as Jamaicans being the leaders and true trend setters of the world carry a great influence upon our shoulders with anything we support or call our own. It is no mistake that we have been given this charge and as such we ought to handle it with extreme caution. Where there is influence there is great potential for power and with great power comes great responsibilities. If we should take into consideration the affairs of the world, this small island could be of a much greater impact on the world than just in its small size.

I take this great opportunity to lay out what is on my heart.

Thank you for reading.

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